Monday, November 10, 2008

A message to my mother

I appreciate your feedback, but it doesn't have to be to every post. I am the Baron of my Blog, the Prince of Posts, the Mikado of Messages and your condescending, "mother knows best" responses will be deleted. It is embarrassing in front of my imaginary readers (though I think I accidently deleted the wrong ones).


Media Czech said...

This Holler rawks

alesiaann said...

Sorry, I thought you wanted responses. I responded to them all to show that I did indeed read them.

AnnCoulterScaresChildren said...

Thank you, media czech. It is nice to be appreciated by someone else other than my mother. Unconditional love makes her opinions suspect.

Brandon said...

This just inspired me to start my own blog. I feel like you trumped me today by saying that I spend too much time drinking. I shall rehabilitate via blogging!