I posted a few weeks ago about how I thought the MPD hired more officers for the sole purpose of having them camp out at BP to rub their unreigned power in my face. The majority of that post was in jest and only was a feeble attempt to get people to read my letter (I am that vain). But a recent encounter with a Morehead officer is making me think otherwise.
I had been dreading my girlfriend's formal all week. Well, dreading is probably not the right word... I was nervous about formal and wasn't looking forward to it, to say the least. This semester I have become somewhat reclusive, focusing on my schoolwork and seeking refuge in the doldrums of political non-fiction. I managed to finally finish 1776 and reread Chomsky's Hegemony or Survival, (take that, Dad) and am currently reading Freidman's Hot, Flat, and Crowded, which is about as bad as a sequel as Leprechaun 2: Back to Da Hood. The point is that I haven't spent much time homing in my drunken social-skills this semester and feared that I may be a bit rusty. This isn't the point of the post so I'll get to the end: I was wrong. I had great time and discovered that drunken-socializing is a lot like riding a bike--you never really forget how to do it. Or maybe there is no such thing as drunken social-skills because you always forget them the next day.
Back to topic:
Alex and I were in Speedway getting her a Coke to mix with her drink and I had to get my daily caffeine-fix. As we were checking out, a Morehead officer (who I have never seen) looked at me and said, "You're the guy who wrote that letter, aren't you?" At first, I was confused. Then I realized he was talking about THE letter (another shameless plug). At first I didn't really know what to say. I almost lied. I don't think my gut-reaction to lie was a result of fear, but more of a natural tendency to not tell the truth. I think it is a survival instinct.
But then my sense of pride kicked in and I was like "Hell, yeah! I wrote that letter," but I think that sense of pride actually came out in a feeble, "Uh... ye.... yes. I think so." (Dammit.)
He joked that he was hanging out at Speedway and not BP (at least they are being fair to local gas stations, now). He said that he personally wasn't too upset about the letter, but that there were other officers who were "really angry over it."
YES! In your face, The Man.
Since then, I have fallen a bit and am on cloud five or six; but, now when I float, I have to make sure to stop at all stop signs and observe all the air-traffic laws.
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