Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Herald Leader doing its best to piss me off

Leave it to the Herald Leader for failing to see past their noses and not recognize Eastern Kentucky for what it is:
"Now Republicans win because of support in rural and small-town Kentucky, including formerly Democratic strongholds in the east and west....
Still, Republicans have to worry about the future of a party whose base is narrowing to white rural voters.
And Kentuckians have to worry about the future of a state whose voters are so opposed to change. "
I know that I poke fun at Appalachia on occasion, but this is one of Eastern Kentucky's endearing traits. Where else does time cease to exist? Change is what has gotten Americans into their current predicament--trying to achieve happiness through the buying of stuff and big houses. Eastern Kentucky has a natural immunity to affluenza--excluding Coach purses and Longaberger baskets.
Our resistance to change is a product of the self-awareness and appreciation shared by Appalachians not found anywhere else in the US.
The Lexington Herald may worry about our opposition to change, but I am all for it. (Read previous posts-- see LA Times article--to understand why Eastern Kentucky was reluctant to elect Obama, and also his elusive stance on coal)
I still love them and couldn't imagine going a week without reading Tom Eblen, but damn their arrogance.

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