Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Joe the Tool

I would like to thank airon for providing this bit on his blog, 43-Ideas-Per-Minute (but since I can't seem to post on his blog, I can only pay him tribute here). Joe the Plumber is taking time away from pipe-fitting to talk politics, even though he refused to endorse a presidential candidate in the 2008 election and referred to his vote as a "a personal decision." Normally, I wouldn't care to much about what an unlicensed-plumber-for-a-puppet has to say about politics but this is too good to pass up:
"The party should remember that they are conservative Republicans — that has been forgotten. They no longer hold to their ideals. They blow with the wind on just about every public opinion poll. So they are not right-wing; they are trying to show that they’re middle or even left-of-middle sometimes. You have to remember two years ago, the Democrats loved John McCain. That is not what this is about. If you’re a party, you have to stick to your ideals. The frontrunners in the Republican Party have definitely seem to forgotten that. Governor [Bobby] Jindal of Louisiana seems to have the right idea. We have got to get back to the grassroots of the Republican Party and not apologize for being conservative."

Is he serious? Which way was the wind blowing this year, because I thought it was blowing right, right? Actually, if you look at a map, Sarah Palin is on the geographic left, so maybe that's what he meant.

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