Single-ply toilet paper, using the front yard as a drive way, students who only show up at the beginning and the end of the semester and aren't the least bit embarrassed by it, and my girlfriend's craigslist addiction (and not buying anything)... and single-ply toilet paper.
I am assuming we are to free to leave a comment about the young boy harnessed and leashed. If you're looking for excuses for any vice you may have you may relate it to the fact that you were one of these leashed young tarts that found running from their Mom and hiding to be a wonderful game regardless of where we might be. I happily purchased one of these gadgets after losing you in the Turfland Mall in Lexington, Kentucky resulting in a store entrance/exit lock-down for the better part of 40 excruciating minutes. You decided you were tired after the great escape and found your way to the linen/bed department, put yourself to sleep only after burying yourself in pillows. Had it not been for your incredibly smart older brother, we might still be searching for you. After purchasing the leash/harness parent wonder item, you were NEVER lost again.
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