Monday, December 8, 2008

Hillary's replacement?

According to the New York Magazine, Fran Drescher wants to replace Hillary's conservative 1/4" heels with a pair of Alligator skin pumps of her own. Not being clear? Ok, bad joke. Simply put: Fran Drescher wants to replace Hillary's vacant senate seat. And, arguably, she has the credentials to do so:
“I’ve just been given the appointment of U.S. diplomat.... My title is public diplomacy
envoy for women’s health issues, and I just got back from a four-country European tour of duty. I believe next I’ll be sent to the Middle East.” Also an anti-cancer activist, Drescher has been considering a run for office. “I’ve been very successful in getting a bill passed in Washington,” she said. “I was thinking I’d take the next four years to lay some groundwork, but I’m throwing my hat in the ring."

I don't know if that makes her a viable candidate for the Senate, but it makes her more qualified to run than an unlicensed plumber... so let's at least give her a book deal.
Obviously C-SPAN is a big supporter of the Nanny's candidacy as she is guaranteed to to bring at least a .1 spike in their ratings and steal some of the day-time viewership away from Judge Judy; but, my question to you, dear imaginary audience, is it all really worth bringing back that laugh?

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