Friday, December 5, 2008

Palin or Huckabee? The best (worst) of two worlds (that are the same)

With the election over and pre-Obama surveys polled into the ground, CNN pollsters have been forced to look into the future. A CNN report shows that Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee are early favorites for the 2012 ticket.
Are they serious? Hasn't the right learned their lesson from November's ass-kicking?
Not according to right-wing talk radio who still blame McCain for losing the election because of his failure to appeal to conservative values. And, apparently, not according to registered republicans either. As a result, we have Pitbull Palin and Pastor Huckabee (alliteration has failed me) with a fairly significant early-lead over the only true republican candidate, Mitt Romney. Here is to hoping that Rush Limbaugh decides to pull an Al Franken and make things interesting.

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