Friday, January 2, 2009

Long time no see...

Keeping this short and sweet because my head hurts and I have spent most of Winter Break without thinking and would hate to break the trend. Anyways, I am still freaked out that Nate Silver called Al Franken the winner by 100 or less votes only 40% into the recount. UK won another bowl game, with Hartline. My dad's job is in jeopardy and Christmas was slim pickings, though I would like to say it was pleasant spending time with my family but I spent half my time thinking that either my brother or my sister would kill each other or my dad.

Just telling my imaginary audience that I am still alive. There is only one computer between my on-line poker playing brother and my Drudge Report loving dad, and I have discovered that I have allowed my ass to become fat and have been either working out or whining about how sore I am.

Resolutions are for the depressed.
Happy New Year!